Thursday, March 20, 2008

on turning 39, with a belly full of Bailey Elise....

ooh so happy so happy! bailey is doing great, i think!
boys left me home alone today to celebrate my birthday however i want.
It is 2:37pm and I am still in a robe in bed!
Granted, I have been working on the computer and making contacts and etc, but still. THIS is the way to spend a birthday. I think I will take a walk in a few minutes cause Bailey definitely could use the stroll, and me too.

I made contact with 3 peeps in Delaware and left message with a 3rd. One interview is a go, just have to confirm time, and the other 3 have yet to get back to me. We shall see.
Boys are in their last official interview of the day in Annapolis, then I think they will do peeps on the street before they come home to me for birthday dinner...i think i get to choose where we eat as well! WOOHOO!

And FACEBOOK rocks bc they tell everyone when it is your bday right where they can see it, and so i have been getting birthday wishes all day long! :) I love it. I feel so remembered...

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