Monday, July 14, 2008

in the family way, and counting the days....

haha well...

just thought i would check in since we have bypassed both of the projected "due dates" and I am sure there are some people who are wondering if we just neglected to make any announcement.

We haven't forgotten. (How could we??) We've had "false labor" a couple of times now but are patiently waiting to see when little one wants to come out. I have stopped making predictions but I have heard that very many babes are born during the Full Moon, which would be Thursday/Friday of this week. Surely, she isn't waiting to be a LEO? I have had to put her Baby Book on hold...

We have been walking 40 minutes twice a day, and have tried quite a few natural labor "enhancements" but, so far, baby just seems pretty darned comfortable in there. And, frankly, I am pretty comfortable too! Fortunately, our midwife thinks our baby is not so far...(though I keep thinking that the longer she is in there...the bigger she gets!)

We will keep posting. Bags have been packed for 2 weeks already, and everything seems to be ready at home...cloth diapers ready to go!!! OK baby, you are good enough to wait for. xox your mama

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