Sunday, November 16, 2008

Cloth Diapering to the Max. we're going to try them all!!!

Just a quick note to say that, unbeknownst to my dear husband, we are going to try one of every kind of fitted cloth diaper i can find. We have bought gdiapers, used kissaluvs with covers and Fuzzi Bunz "All-in-ones," all fine, but now I am out to find the diapers that rock mine and baby's socks off, and are the easiest to use, clean, travel, etc...and stay out of the landfill! Stay tuned for complete review in about a month, when I have secured all our purchases and had a chance to try them out...Moms, feel free to weigh in here...


Anonymous said...

Cloth diapers are hardcore. Everyone has to draw the line somewhere...that's where my line was drawn.

Julie said...

haha they make some amazing ones now. i think we've decided to go with organic ones with snaps. it's not any more expensive than disposables!