Thursday, February 26, 2009

stuck between two blogs...

i wonder how many other people have encountered this "problem": blogging about a specific issue and then needing more blogs to expand as new issues beg to be brought to light?

i started with this blog as a way to write about my growing environmental awareness and the steps i was taking to get to some undefined ultra-green place... and then, the YERT trip happened ( and for nearly a year this blog became necessarily - or so i thought - less of me and more of a ship's log for the journey...leaving most of my personal reflections to be handwritten in a journal i brought along with me.

That worked for awhile but somewhere along the way - right around the time that I got unexpectedly pregnant - personal aggravations started to flare up on the trip and, with burning passion, I started a new private blog called "...Toast" with title entries like "Asshole" and "I am so over this." It was quite useful as a repository of rage and i felt safe knowing no one would be hurt by something they'd never see.

Then, once I left the trip in my 7th month to have the babe, I didn't know where to write anything. The trip was over for me but babysteps seemed like YERT's blog now and not mine. The Toast blog was really only for venting so i didn't need to write there anymore. My thoughts now included so much more than just environmental issues. I was about to become a mother! Did i need to start a whole new blog for an entirely x new chapter?

I realize this is not a real dilemma as few humans follow my blogging efforts, but i thought i would mention it here bc it has been on my mind. i have not been writing much, and i am to start up again. I may not always be writing about environmental concerns, the posts may be uber-personal or rant-y or random, but I will be still trying to make sense of a changing world that worries me and gives me cautious hope at the same time. It will be from the eyes of a woman - a mother - but still as a girl - wife, friend, sister, daughter, music and art lover and wild world enthusiast...

and, by the way, I am turning 40 in 2 weeks and am going to be singing to celebrate, so if you are in louisville on mar 20 come over and sit for awhile and i'll serenade you...

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